Hafa adai ginen i hagan Guahan

Ka oha Taibo Hafa adai Ráán ánnim Bula vi naka Jinisa Aloha Naimbag a bigatyo Maayo nga adlaw Halo Nagapuam Mayap ayabak Malia goe Mauri Lwen wo Ena koe Kia ora Kaoha nui Yokwe yokwe Fakaalofa atu Etowi Danuaa Alii Kauangerang Maabig ya kabuasán Kaselehlia ‘Iorana Noa ‘ ia ‘e mauri Talofa Mabuhay Ia ora na Taloha ni Malo e lelei Maqayu Mogethin Wis wei

Sunday, May 22, 2011

The Owl and the Cat

I love cats. I love owls more. They hold a stature in the wild kingdom that is stately, magnificent and mysterious. Every year for un-thanksgiving or neo-christmas I request time w/my family to spend the day at the Sacramento Wildlife Refuge just off of Interstate 5 between Davis and Willows. It is a six-acre tract of land that has been restored to the original habitat of the Central California Valley: marshland. SWR is part of the Pacific Flyway, the route migrating birds use to traverse the hemisphere to feed and mate.

If you go around feeding-time, that is early dawn or dusk, you can see the birds of prey (bald & golden eagles; red-tail, red-shoulder, and harrier hawks, kestrels, kites, and owls) fly over the hundreds of thousands wading, diving and dabbling ducks, seeking out breakfast, dinner or an occasional snack.

This is a barn owl.

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