There is so much to tell you: Sung-Hee is in Jeju; Japan is approving billions of dollars in loans to the US, but DoD isn't telling us the deal brokered forces Guam residents to repay the loans; US continues to push South Korea into bullying & fights with North Korea; US military veterans take a stand against US military empire (weapons contracts, construction contracts, logistics contracts, security contracts, service personnel contracts, and all the sub-contracts, too) in front of the White House; Chris Hedges tells us what hope looks like in the continental US (it ain't pretty); Japan is using tax money of the citizens of Japan to pay Guam buildup loans; Japan continues to force Okinawa to bare the burden of US military bases on their beloved island; Okinawa 1972 = Guam 1950...
Bruce Gagnon of Organizing Notes blog and Global Network Against Weapons & Nuclear Power in Space is out of Bath, Main. Perhaps it's the age group...I identify with so much of what he posts. And he posts the best videos, too.
One topic he posted this week is about the struggle in Jeju Island between the farmers & villagers who have opposed US military base presence and expansion. The political leadership in Jeju use repressive tactics to thwart the resistance.
The people of Jeju have been working and resisting for years against the Navy base expansion. The elders of the island are models for us in Guam struggling against the militarization of our island. We will continue to speak out and resist. But we can look to the experience of the people in Jeju to understand what we have in store for us in this long and difficult, but right path.
Please link to this post:
ORGANIZING NOTES: Conflict Returns to Jeju Island - December 20, 2010
Sung-Hee Choi translates news reports and covers important on-the-ground stories regarding the long struggle of the people in Jeju Island, North/South Korea, and the Asia-Pacific region.
The second topic is the demonstration in front of the White House by Veterans for Peace. Bruce Gagnon attended, wrote & posted on the event.
ORGANIZING NOTES: Veterans for Peace - December 16, 17, 18, 2010
Chris Hedges Tells Us What Hope Looks Like:
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