Hafa adai ginen i hagan Guahan

Ka oha Taibo Hafa adai Ráán ánnim Bula vi naka Jinisa Aloha Naimbag a bigatyo Maayo nga adlaw Halo Nagapuam Mayap ayabak Malia goe Mauri Lwen wo Ena koe Kia ora Kaoha nui Yokwe yokwe Fakaalofa atu Etowi Danuaa Alii Kauangerang Maabig ya kabuasán Kaselehlia ‘Iorana Noa ‘ ia ‘e mauri Talofa Mabuhay Ia ora na Taloha ni Malo e lelei Maqayu Mogethin Wis wei

Monday, April 4, 2011

Guam History According to Guam Youth

When he can, Dr. Michael Lujan Bevacqua teaches History of Guam to our youth at the University of Guam.

In my relationships over the years, the relationships I value most are the ones w/folks who in my times of confusion or need, ask me good, relevant questions. I end up talking myself through my own doubts and fears to come to my own answers, resolutions, empowerment and liberation. Really. It works like that!

Dr. Bevacqua writes about his classes in blogs, newspaper columns and video postings. By all accounts, Dr. Bevacqua asks of his students what my cherished friends ask of me.

While the discussions may be all over the place, the fact that our youth consider and discuss the future of our island is empowering, don't you think?

We CAN nurture, inform and empower our youth. They will be the ones to envision and build a life and a future for the island that will be for the Chamoru people and ALL the people of Guahan. Numerous acts of love on this island. Biba!

You can also view other postings from Dr. Bevacqua's classes at this link:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0bbfhbkfQpI&NR=1

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