Hafa adai ginen i hagan Guahan

Ka oha Taibo Hafa adai Ráán ánnim Bula vi naka Jinisa Aloha Naimbag a bigatyo Maayo nga adlaw Halo Nagapuam Mayap ayabak Malia goe Mauri Lwen wo Ena koe Kia ora Kaoha nui Yokwe yokwe Fakaalofa atu Etowi Danuaa Alii Kauangerang Maabig ya kabuasán Kaselehlia ‘Iorana Noa ‘ ia ‘e mauri Talofa Mabuhay Ia ora na Taloha ni Malo e lelei Maqayu Mogethin Wis wei

Saturday, December 25, 2010

A New Americana - Cousin's Supermarket

This story gets a pass on the true story of the events that took place between the indigenous peoples and the invading settlers that has come to be known to celebrate harvest and humanity. It tells of conscious living that goes beyond the insult and pain enshrouded, dismissed, to create the world we want for ourselves and for each other. Truly. Simply. An act of love.

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