Hafa adai ginen i hagan Guahan

Ka oha Taibo Hafa adai Ráán ánnim Bula vi naka Jinisa Aloha Naimbag a bigatyo Maayo nga adlaw Halo Nagapuam Mayap ayabak Malia goe Mauri Lwen wo Ena koe Kia ora Kaoha nui Yokwe yokwe Fakaalofa atu Etowi Danuaa Alii Kauangerang Maabig ya kabuasán Kaselehlia ‘Iorana Noa ‘ ia ‘e mauri Talofa Mabuhay Ia ora na Taloha ni Malo e lelei Maqayu Mogethin Wis wei

Friday, August 20, 2010

Niuklia Fri Pasifik


  1. Nice place you have here. Thank you for having me on your blog roll. I hit your follow button and will now put you on my blog roll. So I can stay updated to this site. I need to learn more about your region.

  2. Hi RZ ~ I've been enjoying your blog for a minute...lots of heavy lifting, but so refreshing!! I would like to recommend the blog: No Rest for the Awake-Minagahet Chamorro for great narrative + analysis. Also under Broadcast is a recent interview: Strategic Importance of Guam in the Militarization of the Asia-Pacific Region...excellent breakdown of what is happening on the ground now.

    I am still trying-on the blogosphere and hope to begin a semblance of writing soon, but until then I'm just getting my links together. Glad to have found yours!

