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Thursday, May 2, 2013

DON'T EVER WHISPER ::: Darlene Keju Speech to World Council of Churches 1983

This is Darlene Keju's speech in 1983 that sparked a public attack on Darlene from a US Ambassador, and motivated establishment of networks of church/anti-nuclear/environment groups in Europe to focus on issues in the Pacific. This is the first time this video has been available on the Internet.

The Rev. Ekkehard Zipser, Head, Department for Cooperation in World Mission, Association of Protestant Churches and Missions, Germany, said of Darlene's speech to the WCC: "Darlene’s speech at the General Assembly of the World Council of Churches in Vancouver in 1983 opened many people’s eyes, particularly in the churches, to the suffering of the people of the Marshall Islands and other parts of the Pacific in the wake of nuclear testing. The consciousness of people in Europe concerning the Pacific only really began to awaken after that speech...Darlene’s spirit, courage and outspokenness will continue to motivate us in our efforts for justice, peace and the integrity of Creation."

You can learn more about why Darlene was speaking at the WCC Assembly in 1983 in the soon-to-be published biography, "DON'T EVER WHISPER," by Giff Johnson, which will be released in the summer of 2013.
